Skincare Can Appear Extremely Complicated  

Especially when you combine it with all the conflicting information that you see online.

Trying to decide what is real or what isn’t especially for something as important as your skin is like skydiving without a parachute (not anything I would like to do ).

So, if you:

  • Are tried of bashing your head against the wall trying to figure out why your skincare isn’t working
  • Are struggling with multiple skincare issues including breakouts, dark spots or wrinkles
  • Not sure where to start when it comes to putting together an effective skincare routine
  • Want someone to develop tailored skincare targeted to your skincare needs and goals

My 1 on 1 Skincare Concierge Session is 100% what you need


Here’s What You Get During The Session

Don’t take my word for ithear what people have to say about working with me!

What’s It Going To Cost Me?

Because we all have different needs, you can get access to the Skin Concierge Service in 3 ways

So which Concierge Service is Right for You?

✔️3 monthly video consultations to discuss your skin issues & find solutions based on your lifestyle

✔️A detailed A.M and P.M routine to illustrate exactly how to use your products

✔️Actual product recommendations with 3 alternatives in line with your budget

✔️Direct product links to online shops in where to buy based on your location

✔️Bi-weekly check-in via email or WhatsApp or as needed

✔️A body routine with product recommendations

✔️Recommendations for procedures based on your location.

$270 |N185 K

✔️A video consultation to discuss your skin issues & find solutions based on your lifestyle

✔️A detailed A.M and P.M routine with a calendar to illustrate exactly how to use your products

✔️Actual product recommendations with 3 alternatives in line with your budget

✔️Direct product links to online shops in where to buy based on your location

✔️A check-in 4 weeks after the initial consultation as needed.

A body routine with product recommendations


$80 |N59.5K

✔️An email consultation where you identify top skin care challenges & goals.

✔️An A.M and P.M routine with product suggestions based on your goal and current skincare issues

✔️Product recommendations with 2 alternatives based on affordability

✔️A PDF with recommended stores to shop from based on your location

Bi-weekly check-in via email or WhatsApp or as needed

A body routine with product recommendations

Recommendations for procedures and suggestions on


Every career woman knows making a great impression is important, a simple personalized routine tailored to your lifestyle gets your skin the attention it deserves.

What if you were literally just a couple of steps away from achieving your skincare goals, no more breakouts or dark spots … but do you know which tweaks or changes you need to make?

What if I audited your skincare routine and put together a custom, step-by-step plan for you to achieve your goals? How much time and money would you save with a guide who has been where you are now to show you the way?


“I am so happy with the condition of my face. I no longer look exhausted with bumps on my face! Thank goodness my friend referred you.


My skin is now better hydrated &healtier, the texture of my skin has improved, and the skin of my face is brighter and my body is glowing.


The price you pay for what you get is extremely discounted.I have high standards and knowledge about skincare & what works for me.I have high standards and knowledge about skincare & what works for me.I set high expectations for Dr Chizo & she delivered.

Chiga (Above)

Here’s why you should listen to me

✔️Treated my cystic acne successfully years ago using the strategies I utilize in this ​session

✔️​Managed multiple cases of long-standing hormonal acne that didn’t respond to prescription medication and antibiotics.

✔️​Transitioned clients to going makeup free & the ability to ditch their foundation following consistent application of my routines

✔️​Corrected long-standing unresponsive hyperpigmentation and texture issues.

✔️​Trained hundreds of women on the exact strategies I’ve used to transform my client’s skin

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You have reached Beauty Harbour how can I help you?

PS: Check out my book Banish Breakouts for anyone struggling with Acne:


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