Holiday gift guide for a skincare and makeup enthusiast

It’s that time of the year again, I can’t believe that 2018 is on its last legs. However, with the end of the year comes Christmas which means. Buying gifts…

How to choose the best foundation brush for the coverage …

My first foundation brush was from the body shop and I ”stole”  it from my sister. It was a flat foundation brush, and although it was well made it didn’t…

How to colour correct for flawless looking skin

If you are like me, when you apply your make up the goal is to achieve flawless skin. However, unless you have been blessed by the skincare gods your skin may…

5 Essential make up brushes for a beginner

An important part of makeup application is the makeup brushes we use. Usually in our excitement to try new products we forget that proper application depends on having the correct…

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PS: Check out my book Banish Breakouts for anyone struggling with Acne:  https://selar.co/breakouts


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