How to Care for your Skin After Damage by a Triple Action Cream


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Have you used Funbact or Olybact?

Have you used tube creams? Movate, Demovate? Now your skin is going crazy?

If you are tired of the rashes, itching and discomfort you are feeling and your goal is to get your skin back to normal after long-term use of Triple-Action creams

You are in luck

You now have the skincare routine you need for your skin to allow it to recover without having to pay a fortune …..

Introducing the ‘’How to Manage Damage from Triple Action Creams bundle 

It is designed specifically for people like you, who have used triple-action creams for a long time and have noticed severe damage to their skin

With this ebook and video, you’ll have the step-by-step formula that shows you which products you need & how to manage the horrible side effects!

You’ll discover 

The simple reason using these products is harmful to you and how it affects different organs

What to expect when you stop using them and how to handle what comes next

Product recommendations you need for the detoxification process and where to get the genuine ones

With the How to Manage Damage from Triple Action Creams Bundle … you can reverse the damage to your skin. No more visible damage to your skin, side effects or the likelihood of liver damage.

Inside the ebook Bundle, you’ll discover

🧴Uncover why these creams are so dangerous and how to manage side effects so you don’t relapse

🧴A detailed explanation of Topical steroid Withdrawal Syndrome (TSS) and what to do [20 mins video]

🧴The best way to reverse and manage the damage so that you don’t relapse

🧴The routine you need to manage the detoxification process and keep your skin healthy when it is the most sensitive

🧴Product recommendations with specific products, alternatives at different price points and where you can buy genuine items

🧴 The real secret on HOW LONG it will take for your skin to recover – that no one else will tell you

and when you order today, I’ll also send you the following bonuses.

🎁 BONUS 1 -A shopping Guide on where to get genuine skincare products online so you don’t worry about more damage to your skin

🎁BONUS 2 -The Skin Type Guide that tells you what to expect for your skin type.

But not just that…

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is it for?

How to Manage Damage from Triple Action Creams Bundle is for anyone who has used a triple action cream ‘’tube cream ‘’ for a long time ( months or years )

Does it tell me what products to use? 

Yes in the guide you get a breakdown of the exact products you need with examples of each one

What does the EBOOK Bundle cover? 

It covers why these are the symptoms to expect when you stop, what products to use and how to manage the symptoms

How is it delivered?

This is provided as downloadable PDF documents which are yours to keep.

When do you get access?

You get this immediately after you hit the buy button and it is sent to your email

Is the ebook bundle for someone unfamiliar with skincare or skincare terms?

Yes, the book is for a complete beginner and makes every principle easy to understand and gives you everything you need to get results

All at zero risk to you! And only hug benefits


So again… if you have been struggling with how to stop using these creams or dealing with the side effects

This is your call!

For just N4,500 ($5) today… you can put your skin challenges behind you once and for all and get your skin back to normal

Get in today!

If you want to pay by bank transfer,

Bank: V BANK (VFD Microfinance BANK )

Account Name: Beauty Harbour

Account Number: 46 00 05 31 93

Then send proof of payment to me via email: or via my Instagram DM @beautyharbour and we’ll set you up immediately.


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