Do you really need a makeup primer?

Using a makeup primer is one thing I had difficulty getting on board with. I didn’t want one extra step in my routine and thought it wasn’t necessary. However, after…

Used makeup? Frugal or a step too far

Used makeup sounds a bit iffy but we have all bought that one of a kind product that was supposed to solve world hunger and illuminate the mysteries of the…

All about brows,5 products you can use for the perfect …

I have been on a bit of a brow kick lately, blame the internet. Since full brows are in have been slightly obsessed with finding the right products to use,…

VALENTINES DAY RED ? 4 Red lipstick shades for your special day

Its that time of the year again Valentine’s day. Do you have a big date planned or are you going out with your friends or going out solo. Irrespective of…

5 best setting powders for oily skin

In keeping with my focus on skin types, I wanted to talk about the setting powders for oily skin. If you have oily skin like me, you know the feeling,…

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PS: Check out my book Banish Breakouts for anyone struggling with Acne:  https://selar.co/breakouts


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