Does Drinking Water Hydrate Your Skin: Discover Why it Doesn’…

One of the myths that have become almost set in stone is that drinking water will make skin more hydrated and glowing. While drinking water is important for overall health,…

The best way to reapply sunscreen when you are wearing …

Last week I mentioned on an Instagram post that we need to reapply sunscreen. The main reason is that degrades when exposed to direct sunlight. As usual, someone decided to…

How the menstrual cycle affects your skin & tweaks to modify …

Period skin is real. Any woman will tell you that when aunty Flo is coming around her skin is like a billboard announcing its presence. But that doesn’t mean we…

7 golden rules for managing acne

Managing acne is simple but most acne sufferers get some basic rules wrong. This leads to worse skin, multiple product use and an unnecessary amount of money spent.Here are 7…

The 3 important mindset issues keeping you from achieving your skincare …

Mindset and your skincare results are linked. Your mindset towards your skin affects the results that you will get.You need to address those mindset issues to ensure that you get…

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PS: Check out my book Banish Breakouts for anyone struggling with Acne:


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