Red, blue and yellow? Learn how LED light therapy works to give you flawless skin

how LED light therapy works to give you flawless skin

You may be wondering why I am writing about LED light therapy? Well, acne has been the bane of my life intermittently for over 10 years. I get a good spell where my skin looks great and then boom there it is acne. Because of the almost random and vindictive appearance of my acne, it has led to my looking for alternative means to treat it.

In my quest for the ‘’perfect ‘’ acne treatment and scrolling through Instagram( don’t judge me !) LEDs popped on my radar. Although I didn’t know how it worked I wanted to give it a shot. Fast forward a few years and my acne is back at it again but this time I want to really understand how the process works and what type of LED does what. So here are my discoveries.

What is Acne?

Acne is caused when your skin produces excess sebum which in turn clogs the pores. It is also be caused by a bacterial infection in the skin which causes blackheads and tissue inflammation. This is where LED comes to the rescue since it is able to treat the root causes of acne.

What are LED light treatments?

LED (light-emitting diodes) are infrared lights that present with different colours depending on their wavelengths.  LED lights send waves deep into the skin which trigger a reaction that kills off bacteria as well as stimulates cell regeneration. This ability makes them an effective tool during both the infectious and healing phases of acne.

Types of LED light therapy

There are 3 types of LED light treatments for acne

Blue LED light therapy

Blue LED has a wavelength of between 405nm to 420nm and has anti-bacterial benefits. This allows it kills off acne-causing bacteria and is most useful during the eruptive phase to address the problem at its source.

Red LED Light therapy

Red LED has a wavelength of between 620nm (light red) to 700nm (dark red) with antiaging properties as well as its ability to heal old scars. It has the ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production which are the building blocks of the skin. Red LED reduces inflammation caused by blemishes, sun damage by accelerating the healing process thus improving skin tone and reducing wrinkles.

Yellow LED light therapy

Yellow LED Light Therapy has a wavelength of 590–560 nm which triggers the lymphatic system to remove toxins from the exposed area. In addition, it increases blood circulation which improves wound healing and increases the skin’s ability to retain moisture. Yellow LED Light Therapy keeps the skin hydrated and amplifies your skincare regimen.

To get the best results for your skin it is best to use a combination of blue and red LEDs to get rapid results.

How does it work?

The LED device is put a few centimetres from your problem area for about 20 minutes. To get the best results each session should be done at least one week apart for up to 12 sessions to get the best results.

Benefits of LED light therapy for acne

  • It speeds up the healing process in the skin thus repairing, and reducing scarring, pigmentation and sun damage.
  • LEDs stimulates collagen production reducing fine line and wrinkles
  • They kill acne-causing bacteria and improve the appearance of mild to moderate acne, pore size and skin texture
  • It is non-invasive, which means there is no downtime or irritation after receiving treatment.
  • It is anti-ageing and reduces reduce wrinkles to improve the general appearance of the skin.

LED is a great complement to your skin regimen and other cosmetic procedures, however, to get the best results LED consistency is key. So you need to commit to regular sessions over the course of a few weeks.

Tria Beauty Positively Clear Acne Treatment Skincare Solution
Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Spot Treatment
LightStim For Acne
Hangsun Light Therapy Acne Treatment LED Mask
Neutrogena Light Therapy Face Mask
Tria Beauty Positively Clear Acne Treatment Skincare Solution
Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Spot Treatment
LightStim For Acne
Hangsun Light Therapy Acne Treatment LED Mask
Neutrogena Light Therapy Face Mask
Tria Beauty Positively Clear Acne Treatment Skincare Solution
Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Spot Treatment
LightStim For Acne
Hangsun Light Therapy Acne Treatment LED Mask
Neutrogena Light Therapy Face Mask

Which light is best for me?

The easiest way to understand this is that blue light is for acne treatment while red light is for anti-ageing treatment. However, for best results, blue light is used in combination with red light therapy, for its additional skin rejuvenation and wound healing benefits.

how LED light therapy works to give you flawless skin

Where to have LED light therapy?

LEDs light therapy can be done at the dermatologist or at home. Initially LED light therapy was only available at the doctors’ offices and having regular sessions can be expensive since multiple sessions are required for the best results.

In recent times, there has been an explosion of at-home LED masks that vary in price range and effectiveness. This removes the price obstacle when it comes to using LEDs, the caveat is that home treatment is not as intense as an in-office treatment. This means that your results may occur slowly, so consistency is important. It is important to avoid using ED therapy when you have open wounds or active skin infections.

Although I haven’t tried LED therapy it is one of the skincare treatments I  intend to try out this year because of the results I have seen on others. Have you used LED therapy? what where your results do you have any recommendations let me know in the comments.

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    • 2021-11-26 / 8:04 am

      Yes it does , thanks for the additional information

  1. John Allen
    2023-01-28 / 8:10 pm

    do you need to put anything on your face for this process

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