A Beginner Skincare Checklist: The 3 Essential Products to Get Started 

What products do I need for a beginner skincare routine? is one of the most common questions I receive on my Instagram page. Based on what the gurus say on…

8 tips on how to get the most from your skincare …

Cost, price, the cost seems to be the most significant challenge when it comes to choosing a skincare product. We all still want glass skin but glass skin costs money,…

Natural oils that help with Hyperpigmentation

Natural products are experiencing a resurgence and lots of women are looking for natural alternatives for their skincare treatments and hyperpigmentation is no exception. Before you get super excited, here…

Top Skincare Questions of 2020 -Part 2

Last week I discussed the top 5 skincare questions of 2020 according to google. Unlike other industries, skincare had a massive boom due to the pandemic. This was primarily because…

Top Skincare Questions of 2020 -Part 1

2020, the year that will live on in infamy forever. As people living in the modern age, we got a taste of what Pharaoh of Egypt must have felt when…

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PS: Check out my book Banish Breakouts for anyone struggling with Acne:  https://selar.co/breakouts


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