Skincare Actives: do you need a higher concentration to get …

Go big or go home. This is a popular mantra, but it doesn’t apply when it comes to your skincare actives. The result of people believing this is lots of…

8 tips on how to get the most from your skincare …

Cost, price, the cost seems to be the most significant challenge when it comes to choosing a skincare product. We all still want glass skin but glass skin costs money,…

REVIEW: DANG Ageless Exfoliating and Moisturising Shower Gel

My goal for 2021 is ‘’THE GLOW’’ and I mean the glow for every part of my body. Since my face is almost on point, I decided to face my…

Do you really need a makeup primer?

Using a makeup primer is one thing I had difficulty getting on board with. I didn’t want one extra step in my routine and thought it wasn’t necessary. However, after…


In my quest for great skin and the fact that having regular peels can be very pricy, I was overjoyed to learn about the Ordinary. AHA 30% + BHA 2%…

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PS: Check out my book Banish Breakouts for anyone struggling with Acne:


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