Understanding the Skincare Pyramid and how to get maximum impact …

Skincare is confusing and with the clever marking schemes that brands and companies use even the most discerning consumer can easily get overwhelmed. Just like with a healthy diet dermatologists…

Ready for Glowing skin this Christmas?

It’s that time of year again. Where we are either heading to the village or have loads of parties to attend but are concerned because our skin is not where…

How to Get Rid of Oily skin

One of the most common questions I get in my DM is ” how do I make my skin less oily? Well as someone whose face can fry puff puff…


My love for face oils is well documented particularly rosehip oil and I have never met one in didn’t like. Scratch that there is one I don’t like but that…

Acid in the Arm Pits? why glycolic acid is the …

One of the things I am most afraid of after a long day smells like I have been working on a farm and my go-to product is SURE invisible cotton…

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PS: Check out my book Banish Breakouts for anyone struggling with Acne:  https://selar.co/breakouts


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